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Jäger Maestro becomes a Geneva instruments artist

Jäger Maestros principal trombonist, Ryan Watkins, has been signed-up to represent Geneva brass instruments.

Ryan joins a long and prestigious list of brass artists who represent the distinguished brass instrument manufacturer such as LSO trumpet legend, Rod Franks, celebrated Australian conductor, David King and principal cornet of Norwegian band, Eikanger Bjørsvik, David Morton.

Currently studying at the Royal Northern College of Music, Ryan has been a member of the world famous Brighouse and Rastrick band for the last two years, having previously played with other famous brass bands such as Yorkshire Imperial DUT, Carlton Main Frickley and Fairey. Ryan also performs with Austonley Brass, a ten piece brass ensemble created by fellow Jäger Maestro, James Garlick which features some of the country’s finest brass players.

Ryan’s attributes are renowned in the brass world, being presented with the British Trombone Society ‘Young Trombonist of the Year’ award in 2012 and progressing to the final BBC Radio 2 Young Musician of the Year competition earlier in 2014.

Showing his delight at having been appointed as a Geneva artist, Ryan professed, “I am so pleased to be associated with Geneva. They are without doubt one of the top brass instrument ranges available and using their instruments with the Jägers helps produce a fantastic, soloist sound across all styles of music.”

All of the Jägers are delighted for Ryan and hope that his appointment will be long and prosperous.

"Awesome doesn't even come close to describing the Jager Maestros. With a crazy front man, top notch playing and the beer flowing I had an incredible night. A group definitely worth seeing!!"

Les Neish- International classical musician